Secure great discounts with our exclusive savings programme.

We are grateful for you as a customer, and that's why we like to give something back!

With our savings programme, you save points on that are converted into discounts with every purchase (excluding sale products). Important: You must have an account and be logged in. Your account and saved points balance are linked to your email address. If you also want to shop in our shop, make sure that your email address is known to us and that the email address you use is the same in both the shop and the web shop. This will then be automatically linked and you will be able to redeem your points in the shop and vice versa.





How can I check my saved points balance?

When you are logged in, you can see the status of your points under "My account". If you click on it, you can view and spend your collected loyalty points.



How does the savings system work and how do I calculate my reward?

In the image below we explain when you save, how you save and which reward you can redeem. Do you still have questions based on the information on this page? Call our customer service on +31 (0)475 227060